Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Oh the Humanity!

The news this week disturbed me. It made me cringe and look into myself. Where did our "humanness" go?
The incident, which I'm sure you've heard about, was the good Samaritan rescuing a woman from an attacker, getting hurt himself, and then dying on a sidewalk while people passed by. One person even took a photo. From the surveillance camera view we see at least five or six people walk by. No one stops to see if he needs help. No one whips out a cell phone and dials 911.
Why? When did we become a nation under fear, not under God? Now, I'm not a bible thumper. I don't believe in the bible. I do, however, believe in a higher being, a bigger purpose. Don't most people want to aspire to be more? I thought we did. I know I want to be a good person. I want to try and help out where I can. I've been known to do so from time to time.
I'd like to think that if I saw this person lying in the street that I would call 911. I'd really like to think that I would kneel down and ask him if he was ok, but the news has scared the crap out of me in regards to predators, that I don't know if I would. That bothers me. A lot.
I'm pretty sure I would have made a call and waited there for help. What do we need to do to make us human again? What can we do to reach out to others in need? How do we open up so others follow suit? Is this what we need to do?
What do you suggest? How did you feel about that news piece? I'd love to hear what you have to say!

Monday, April 19, 2010

A Quieter, Gentler Time...

In the days of Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, texting, wouldn't it be great to return to a time when not everyone knew what was going on in your life and only speculated?
I was thinking about this yesterday when I checked my facebook page and realized that I probably knew what one of my friends had for dinner every night last week, or at least every meal over the weekend. I also knew if he was having a problem, what it was, and every piece of advice from across the nation that he received. I kept my advice to myself, knowing that eventually he would get it from one of the friends who kept posting encouragement.
In the past you had the one person on the block that would look in your windows, listen over the fence, talk to the kids, and then report to the whole neighborhood what was happening in your life. If you lived out in the country you didn't even have that. Privacy. What a concept. Except no one person seems to want it anymore. "Look what's happening in my life!" seems to be the theme of the 2000's. I'm guilty myself, with this blogging and facebook.
It seems to go beyond the written word as well. Depending on the person, you might know what type of underwear they're wearing, who they love, what they hate, if they need to be on a diet, if they don't eat at all. Get the picture?
I would love to go back to the days when family secrets stayed secrets, dirty laundry was aired on the clothes line, not on the internet. I'd love to be enamoured of movie stars and never know if they were a closet drunk, or gay, or a liar and a cheat. Those were the days when Hollywood protected their own. I'd love to be able to hear inspirational stories from my friends first hand, instead of through email I have to pass on to 10 friends in order for something good to happen to me in 24 hours.
And to receive an actual letter through the mail! I don't know the last time I received or wrote a letter and sent it out. I used to when I was a kid. I had a pen pal from Japan and it was always amazing to me that my letters reached her and hers reached me! The paper, the ink, the style of writing and punctuation allowed me my love and use of stationary. I still buy beautiful paper. I started scrapbooking for the variety...
I just wish that being so open about everything wasn't so accepted. A quieter, more peaceful time - paradise. They say decades repeat themselves. Couldn't we go back to the 40's and 50's just once?

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Several weeks ago I started planting in the house. Vegetables and herbs. Less than a quarter have popped up and I'm feeling pretty depressed about that. I'm going to try starting some more and see if they were bum seeds, but I will say one thing- I won't order from that seed company again. One shot is all you get with me. The planting season is short in upstate NY. You don't get a whole lot of chances to get your plants in the ground in time for a good growing season.
My daffodils have started to bloom and I'm waiting for the iris' that we bought at the Morley Yard Sales last year, to bloom. They've made it out of the ground, but it'll be awhile, quite awhile...
The little grape hyacinths have started their showing and they should be out in full force by the end of next week, I should think. We also picked up a rose last weekend that we are planting very soon, maybe Sunday.
We have one casualty this year so far - my Peace Rose. It's been blooming for three or four years now, beautifull yellow to blush on the edges and when I uncovered it this spring it looked dead. Of course, miracles happen in the plant world all the time, so I am leaving it alone for a couple more weeks. I really have no hope for it, but it's hard to say goodbye...
Last but not least, our goldfinches are back in full force and we are refilling the feeder every two days with Nyger seed. It's good to see them, the mourning doves, the cheery fat little robins, even those loud grackles! We saw a hawk on a telephone line last night, intently watching something below her. Awesome!
So, how is your garden growing? What's popping it's head out and making itself known? Who is showing up in your yard?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Dreamin'

I love the sound of the frogs in the evening. A friend of mine heard his frogs a couple weeks ago. He lives down state. It was still pretty cold here and I was lamenting because I hadn't seen one sign that spring was any closer. He told me, "You'll hear them in about two weeks, you're about that far behind us". I swear, it must've been two weeks to the day! They sounded so beautiful! Anyone who loves spring loves that sound! That first night I left my window open and fell asleep to their lullaby. I woke up the next morning with a stiff neck, but it was so worth it!
I've started my vegetable garden and have had to remove some of my plants from their little window greenhouse into bigger containers already. It's such an awesome feeling watching something grow that you researched, planted and watered. A couple tomatoes here and a pepper there and some brussel sprouts (which I am so excited about - this is my first try with them!). There is nothing like fresh veggies!
We've been keeping an eye on the birds too. We've got goldfinches back at the feeder and I'm hoping for an oriole this year. We had one two years ago, but it didn't return last year. I'm going to set out oranges and see if they stay. What a beautiful bird!
New flowers planted last year are popping out of the ground, the frogs have already set up residence in our small (very small) man made pond, and a shrub has been delivered by the seed company and is ready for planting. My to-do list is a mile long, but I'm loving it. The smell of fresh earth and the satisfaction of a full day of gardening is worth the winter wait.
Spring, you've arrived! So glad you came!